October 7th, 2023
Vertical farming is truly growing. This increasingly popular concept involves growing lettuce, herbs and other agricultural products in temperature-controlled indoor settings — settings characterized by electrically lit crops spread across vertically stacked rows. Learn more about how it works, its pros and cons and how Kroger is involved.
July 27th, 2018
Research supports that reducing consumption of meat – or, ideally, switching to a plant-based diet – could reduce greenhouse gases. Read up on how the livestock sector affects the environment and what you can do to help.
December 4th, 2016
Is it possible that our civilization’s food future may be closely linked to the fate of a humble insect? Honeybees have been dying at an alarming rate across the globe for several decades. And as the bees lose their sting,Read More…
November 22nd, 2016
When you choose organic, you’re doing both your body and the environment a favor. If the higher price tags still have you hesitating, consider these additional, lesser-known reasons to make the switch.