March 23rd, 2024
Some experts say napping can boost your health, while others insist naps can undermine your well-being. Who is right? Should you take a midday siesta? Here’s a closer look at the pros and cons of napping.
July 6th, 2018
As a kid, you were in such a hurry to grow up. But now, you’d do anything to feel that freedom again. And rightfully so! Here are five “kid” activities adults should do to stay healthy and happy.
July 24th, 2017
Naps are no longer considered a lazy midday luxury. If you – like most Americans – aren’t getting the recommended hours of sleep at night, these midday siestas could be essential for your health. Here’s why.
December 3rd, 2016
I have always loved being a mom to a toddler—but I might have loved being a mom to a napping toddler a smidgeon more. Just the word “nap” eases the tension in my brow, as thoughts spring to mind ofRead More…