Have you ever seen a child in a perpetual state of calm? It’s more likely you’ll see children in a perpetual state of motion. Many kids are in a constant mode of hyperarousal. Some have a hard time regulating their emotions and responses. Some struggle with anxious thoughts and their resultant difficulties, albeit on a below-clinical level. Others are seemingly always too wound up to fall sleep.
Identifying anxiety in children
It can be hard to identify anxious patterns in children. But any change in a child’s behavior can indicate that anxiety may be present. Common fears of objects or situations do happen. Some fears are normal at different stages of development. Think of a toddler crying when being dropped off with a new sitter, or school-aged children nervous about social challenges. But when fears or feelings of sadness are excessive, they can signal something deeper.[i]
We wouldn’t want our children to be composed at all times. It’s good for children to become animated; it promotes motivation. It’s even important for children to be afraid sometimes, as it teaches them to be careful within their environments. Yet, youngsters should also be able to keep their emotions and reactions in check. They should be able to confront their anxious thoughts and deal with them appropriately. Often, they need help with that.
How to help an anxious child
As a parent, you’re key to helping you child navigate his or her feelings. Of course, you should be alert for signs that a child may need professional help. If your child exhibits severe emotional distress or fear for several days and your guidance doesn’t seem to be working, it might be time to enlist the help of a mental health professional. But here are some things you can do.
Stay calm. Don’t let your child’s anxiety get the better of you. You know this is just an emotional reaction. As a parent, strive to be the calm voice of reason.
Listen to your child. Allow them the freedom of expression. Sometimes, just talking about difficulties is enough to help a child calm down.
Teach your child coping skills. Show them techniques like deep breathing, or counting to ten. Take them on a short walk. Also tell them to approach an adult when they feel they need extra help.
Have patience. Help your little one take small steps out of their current anxiety. Praise every bit of progress, no matter how small. It’s important that your child not give up on previously beloved activities because of anxiety. Coach them through it. Success will bring more success.
Be patient and allow for setbacks. Life is all about growth. And growth doesn’t come without falling sometimes. Even if your child seems to have overcome a specific area of anxiety, anticipate some falling back in the near future. Over time, these setbacks will occur with less frequency.
Get some help yourself. It might be worthwhile to speak to a therapist who can guide you while parenting an anxious child. A support group of parents who have children of similar ages can be invaluable.
Think about getting professional help for your child. The strongest people are those who know how to help themselves.
Explore what nature has to offer. There are a variety of safe, natural supplements that can help a child remain calm. Note that these will not cure anxiety, but may help promote calmness that can help a child remain in control and deal with anxious triggers.[ii] †
ChildCalm: A natural supplement to help ease anxiety†
ChildCalm was developed to assist children in their journeys towards self-regulation. It’s one thing to know you need to calm down. It’s quite another to have the ability to do so. A bit of external support, in the form of ChildCalm, can help a child use the tools or the tricks they were taught and allow themselves to relax. It may even help therapy be more effective. Childcalm is a short-term investment with the possibility of lifetime benefits. †
Vitamins and herbs to ease anxiety
ChildCalm from Advanced Nutrition by Zahler combines traditional botanical remedies with quality vitamins and nutrients to help children relax. This unique formula promotes calm and relaxation without sedative or hypnotic effects. ChildCalm has no dependency-forming ingredients, neither does it produce a zombie. It allows children to feel and experience everything around them, yet aids with proper responses to those experiences. †
Vitamin B6 – Plays a role in more than 150 enzyme reactions and is closely linked to nervous system function. A deficiency in this vitamin may cause changes in mood. †
Magnesium – An essential mineral important for every cell in the body; also known for promoting calm. †
(Note: The vitamin B6 and magnesium in ChildCalm are bioactive and readily absorbed for maximum benefit. †)
Affron – Clinically tested in young children with demonstrated safety and efficacy for anxiety and mood support. †
SunTheanine – Identical to amino acids found in green tea, a common calming aid. SunTheanine supports a calm focused state of mind in both children and adults. †
Lemon balm extract – An herb traditionally used to help with relaxation in children and adults. †
ChildCalm is a synergistic formula, which means that each ingredient boosts the efficacy of the other. All are effective on their own, but together they achieve more powerful results. †
ChildCalm allows children to remain healthily happy and excited. It allows children experience the full range of emotions. It doesn’t dull or deaden any part of a child’s exuberance or personality. ChildCalm only dials down the extent. Furthermore, ChildCalm is not sedative. Yet because it supports a natural state of quietude, it may help children who have a hard time falling asleep. †
Enjoy the peace.†These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
[1] https://www.cdc.gov/childrensmentalhealth/depression.html
[1] https://adaa.org/living-with-anxiety/children/tips-parents-and-caregivers
[1] https://www.cdc.gov/childrensmentalhealth/depression.html
[1] https://adaa.org/living-with-anxiety/children/tips-parents-and-caregivers
[i] https://www.cdc.gov/childrensmentalhealth/depression.html
[ii] https://adaa.org/living-with-anxiety/children/tips-parents-and-caregivers