Coconut Oil: How to Get the Most From This Fabulous Fat

by | Updated: December 3rd, 2016 | Read time: 2 minutes

Turn back the clock to 10 years ago and say “Coconut oil.” Odds are that people would say “Huh?’ Now coconut oil has become one of the hottest food trends, along with all coconut-related products. Coconut oil ranks in the category of healthy fats. In order for your body to absorb certain types of vitamins, which are known as fat-soluble supplements, your body needs fat–and coconut oil is a great way to fulfill that need. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, a unique medium-chain fatty acid that may offer some health benefits.*

coconut oil has many health benefits

But coconut oil is good for more than your insides: It’s also great for your outsides! Use coconut oil to moisturize your skin and hair. High in vitamin E, coconut oil helps protect your skin as well.

This versatile oil can be used in dishes ranging from quick breads such as banana bread to vegetable stir-fries. You can even add it to oatmeal for breakfast by adding coconut milk after you’ve cooked your cereal. And try coconut water for a refreshing hydrating treat.

Here are some coconut options sold by Vitacost that you’ll go cuckoo for:

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.