Cover Up: The Correct Way to Use Concealer

Beauty Boss | The Upside Blog by

by | Updated: April 12th, 2017 | Read time: 2 minutes

You know the old adage, “nobody’s perfect”? It’s true, especially when it comes to skin. Between blemishes, dark circles, sun spots and scars, we all have flaws. Some of us are just better at hiding them!

So what’s the secret to covering up those unsightly marks? Concealer, of course.

Close-up of flat makeup brush with liquid foundation squeezed out of tube, corrector and concealer pencil on dark wooden surface

When applied correctly, concealer can quickly camouflage discolorations, diminish the appearance of blemishes and erase that I-stayed-up-all-night look. Here are some things to consider when applying concealer:

Pick the right color. Just like foundation, blush and eyeshadow, choosing the right color concealer is crucial to achieving a look that matches well with your complexion. For general coverup, opt for a yellow-based color that’s 1 or 2 shades lighter than your skin tone.

Know when and how to apply. If you’re covering up blemishes or spots, apply your foundation first (if you use it), then lightly dab concealer on spots that show through, gently tapping your finger to blend it in. For under-eye circles, apply small dots of concealer to a clean face with your finger or a brush, then tap gently to blend it in.

Use the right product. Because blemishes and spots come in all shapes, sizes and colors, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work when it comes to concealing them. Here are my recommendations:

  • Under-eye circles: My personal preference for concealing dark circles is a liquid product (easy to delicately dab and blend!), such as Lavera Natural Concealer.
  • Blemishes: For blemishes, I find that a solid product is easiest to apply — like MyChelle Minerals Concealer Stick, which goes on smoothly, almost like lip balm!
  • Dark spots: When it comes to dark spots, you’ll want to find a lightweight product that won’t sink into wrinkles. I like Mineral Fusion Concealer — it’s creamy, it’s light and it doesn’t cake or clump.