5 Surprising Potential Dangers of Dietary Supplements

Elizabeth Marglin

by | Updated: December 29th, 2023 | Read time: 5 minutes

Dietary supplements wear their health halo proudly, the paragon of virtue, the panacea for overall health. But supplements can have a dark side too—there are several potential dangers associated with their use. The risks can vary depending on the type of supplement, the dosage, individual health conditions and interactions with medications.

Concept of Dangers of Dietary Supplements Represented by Woman Holding Vitamin Bottle While Researching on Laptop

In most cases, supplements aren’t likely to pose any health risks. Still, it’s important to be educated when you put anything in your body. One major reason for that is federal regulations for dietary supplements are less strict than prescription drugs. Some supplements may contain ingredients not listed on the label, and these ingredients can be unsafe.

Shockingly, some supplements, marketed as dietary supplements, actually contain prescription drugs within them. In 2020, Consumer Reports stated that the Food and Drug Administration found that “nearly 50 dietary supplements sold on Amazon and eBay contain active pharmaceutical ingredients, including some prescription drugs, that are not declared on the label and could pose serious risks to consumers.”

The following are five popular supplements worth keeping a careful eye on.

Vitamin D

An increasingly popular supplement in the U.S., vitamin D’s market value is projected to hit $1.9 billion by 2027. A 2017 study showed a large jump in vitamin D deficiency diagnoses over the past two decades. The over-the-counter supplement promises to bolster your bone health, muscle function and immune system.

During the pandemic, the supplement took on new life when people took vitamin D as a preventative measure against Covid. Emerging research supported that vitamin D could be beneficial, but this proved controversial.

The main consequence of vitamin D toxicity is a buildup of calcium in your blood (hypercalcemia), which can cause nausea and vomiting, weakness and frequent urination. In rare cases, vitamin D toxicity might progress to bone pain and kidney problems, such as the formation of kidney stones.


Recent studies have linked calcium supplements with an increased risk of colon polyps (small growths in the large intestine that can become cancerous) and kidney stones, hard masses usually formed in the kidneys from an accumulation of calcium and other substances.

Additionally, a 2016 study suggests that calcium supplements may increase the risk of calcium buildup in the heart’s arteries. This could be caused since calcium deposits are part of artery-clogging plaque. Calcium could also contribute to stiffening of the arteries and interfere with the action of heart valves. But more research is needed to determine whether there is a direct connection between the amount of calcium in the bloodstream (calcium supplements increase blood calcium levels) and cardiovascular problems.


Reports in the United States and Europe have linked kava with severe liver problems. Kava-containing products have been associated with at least 25 reports of liver-related injuries (including hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, and death). There are many reasons for kava’s connection to liver damage. For one, kava depletes glutathione, a chief antioxidant, within the liver. It also slows the activities of enzymes involved in the metabolism of many drugs. Worth noting: Many of the cases of liver toxicity were seen in people who had prior liver disease or used alcohol in addition to kava.

Soy-estrogen connection

Soy is lauded as a health food by many, who cite taming hot flashes, warding off osteoporosis, and protecting against cancers like breast and prostate. But soy is also shunned by others for fear that it may contribute to breast cancer, thyroid problems and dementia. The jury is still out on whether soy isoflavone supplements and foods made with textured vegetable protein and soy protein isolate, found in many protein powders and nutrition bars, may increase breast cancer risk.

While consuming whole foods made from soy, like soy milk, edamame and tofu, in moderation, several times per week, is considered healthy, it’s still worth discussing with your health care provider. Discuss your options to weigh the potential risks and benefits of soy for your individual situation.

St John’s Wort

St. John’s wort interactions can affect many medications, such as antidepressants, benzodiazepines and birth control pills. St. John’s Wort  typically makes other medications less effective. in some cases, it can cause a higher number of medication-related side effects. According to the National Institutes of Health, St. John’s wort can speed the breakdown of many medicines (including some antidepressants, birth control pills, heart medications, anti-HIV medications, and transplant drugs). Additionally, St. John’s wort may cause increased sensitivity to sunlight, especially when taken in large doses. Other side effects can include insomnia, anxiety, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, headache or sexual dysfunction.

The bottom line

Do your due diligence when it comes to supplements. In particular, consult your health care provider before taking dietary supplements to treat a health condition. Make sure you share and get approval for taking dietary supplements in place of, or in combination with, prescribed medicines. Lastly, if you are scheduled to have any type of surgical procedure, tell your health care provider about any supplements you currently take.

These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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