In case you didn’t know, sells over 37,000 products for your healthy lifestyle!
Even though I’m familiar with many of the items on the site, I still regularly come across new, exciting products (well, they’re new to me!), so I thought I’d share a few with you.
- French press: Are you a coffee connoisseur? Then you’ll love the Bodum Chambord French Press coffee maker. With an 8-cup capacity, it’s perfect for a dinner party or family gathering. It’s quick, too – just add coarse ground coffee and hot water, stir, wait 4 minutes and press. Voila, perfect coffee every time!
Salt lamp: A lamp made out of salt? Yep, it’s exactly what it sounds like. This Himalayan salt lamp from Aloha Bay is crafted from pure, crystal salt rock. When the lamp is turned on, the rock is warmed and releases negative ions to cleanse the air. As a bonus, the lamp looks absolutely beautiful, lighting the room with a warm, friendly glow. If you prefer candles, check out this Himalayan salt tea light holder.
- Biodegradable bags: When you toss out the trash, you’re also tossing out a plastic bag – one that could take up to 1,000 years to decompose in the local landfill! Luckily, carries compostable trash bags, as well as biodegradable bags for pet waste.
What obscure item(s) have you found at