10 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Relief

by | Updated: February 24th, 2017 | Read time: 3 minutes

In addition to stimulating your nose, the essential oils you love to whiff and rub on your shoulders are great for so many reasons. When used with intention, these oils can actually treat everyday disturbances and other frustrating situations that cause stress and discomfort.

Essential Oil Bottles with Flowers and Herbs | Vitacost.com/Blog

If you’re interested in aromatherapy and incorporating oils into DIY household products, here are 10 ways to introduce essential oils into your daily life to find relief.

1. Use eucalyptus oil to clear congestion

If you have a runny nose or a cough that’s producing mucus, one way to find relief is to fill a bowl with hot water and add 3-5 drops of eucalyptus oil. Place a towel over your head and lean over the bowl, inhaling the steam for at least five minutes. Mucus will start to break up eliminating it more easily from your body by coughing or blowing your nose.

2. Tea tree oil to remove skin blemishes

Tea tree oil works wonderfully to dry out pimples that have started to form. Instead of popping blemishes and possibly introducing bacteria to the site and infecting it, dab a drop or two of tea tree oil directly onto the spot with an ear swab before you go to bed. Repeat every day until the pimple is gone.

3. Relieve a headache with lavender oil

Rubbing a few drops of lavender, either diluted in a carrier oil or used straight, directly onto your temples or neck has been shown to relieve pain associated with headaches or migraines. The strong scent of lavender will help calm and relax your mind. After rubbing the oil in, sit in a dark, quiet place for a few minutes to let the oil take effect.

4. Moisturize your face with rose oil

In addition to having a wonderful scent that can combat moodiness, rose oil has amazing properties that help your skin absorb moisture. Dilute a few drops of rose oil into a skin-friendly carrier oil, like sweet almond or jojoba, and apply before bedtime for a more restful sleep.

5. Peppermint Oil as a natural mouthwash

Peppermint oil smells and tastes great and can freshen your breath without harsh chemicals. By mixing two cups spring water, five drops peppermint oil and five drops tea tree oil (for its anti-bacterial properties) in a tightly sealed glass or BPA-free plastic container, you’ll have a great-smelling, all-natural mouthwash.

6. Make soothing room spray with bergamot oil

Bergamot oil has a citrusy scent profile that will cheer any room up. Mix 1 cup water, 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol and 10-15 drops bergamot oil into a spray bottle. Mix gently by rolling or shaking the bottle. Spray whenever your room needs to be freshened or you need an energy boost.

7. Freshen your clothes with lemon oil

Adding a few drops of lemon oil to your regular or homemade natural laundry detergent can help brighten white clothes while getting rid of odors and adding a bright scent to your garments.

8. Relaxing bath salts with jasmine oil

Adding a few drops of jasmine essential oil to baking soda or Epsom salts creates a relaxing bath soak that helps reduce anxiety while making your skin smell great. Jasmine oil can boost your energy levels without making you feel stressed or jittery.

9. Sleep better with chamomile oil

Chamomile’s sleep inducing properties aren’t just limited to drinking the tea made from its buds. Inhaling chamomile oil has been shown to help reduce the symptoms of insomnia and sleeplessness by inducing a relaxed, sleepy feeling in the inhaler. Diffuse some chamomile essential oil in your bedroom half an hour before you lie down to go to sleep.

10. Kitchen countertop spray with lemon oil

Lemon oil has a bright, uplifting scent with the added benefit of being able to disinfect surfaces. The sunny aroma, in addition to squeaky-clean counters, is sure to boost your mood.

To purchase all of these oils in one convenient place, visit Vitacost.com or simply click here:

Visit Sally’s website for more creative ways to use essential oils in your daily beauty, health and home routines.