Five Easy Recycling Tips for Earth Day

by | Updated: December 3rd, 2016 | Read time: 2 minutes

Earth Day is approaching! So in honor of this environmental holiday, let’s talk about trash. Did you know that the average person generates nearly 5 pounds of trash per day? According to the EPA, almost 75% of this trash is likely recyclable. But the reality is that less than 30% is actually recycled.

What can you do to help?  Follow these simple suggestions to make recycling a quick and easy routine in your everyday life””and help spread the word!

globe with leaves

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This slogan has been slowly ingrained into our brains since the 1970s. But how many of us practice the three Rs on a daily basis? To reduce your contribution to landfills, consider the packaging of items you buy and use. Choose goods with less disposable waste, or look for biodegradable or non-toxic packaging. Another way to reduce your waste is to reuse and repurpose items you would normally throw away. For example, turn a Styrofoam egg carton into a convenient kids’ paint palette or use old CDs as coasters.   Last but not least, after you’ve reduced and reused, try to recycle as much of what’s left as you can””including paper, glass, plastic, cardboard, aluminum, steel, tires and more.

2. Be Informed. All recycling facilities are not identically equipped and therefore vary in their acceptance of recyclable goods. Research the facilities in your area to determine what they do and do not recycle. Some businesses, such as grocery stores, have recycling programs that may accept items that your local facility does not.

3. Be a Smart Shopper. Do your part when shopping””look for items that are recyclable, already made from recycled materials or have less wasteful packaging. Then continue the environmentally friendly cycle by reusing or recycling these items again.

4. Support the Arts. One man’s trash is another man’s beautifully creative work of art. Turn your old items into craft supplies and art masterpieces or contribute them to a community art project or local artist””the possibilities are endless!

5. Donate Your Clutter. Thinking of tossing your old sweaters? Donate them instead. Whether they go to a thrift store, homeless shelter or charity drive, plenty of items that are cluttering your home can be donated and reused by others. If you could use the extra cash, consider having a garage or rummage sale instead!