After all parents do for their children, it’s never a bad idea to return the love. Our Vitacost Health Raiser would have given anything for her dad to be healthy again (after a diabetes diagnosis and heart complications). So Maura, aka “Mo,” gave her time, her energy and her new expertise in nutrition to create a business (Mac-n-Mo’s Morselicious Treats) that would support not only her dad’s health, but everyone’s. Then she named it after the one who inspired the “morselicious” movement, her dad, Mac. And the circle continues…

What does health mean to you?
Health, to me, means living morseliciously, feeling great, having lots of energy and vitality – just being happy!
What inspired you to start living a healthy life?
Two things: 1) a horrible, botched-up surgery right out of college forced me to learn an entire new way of walking and eating. And 2) my dad, Mac, a diabetic and heart patient, is the reason I started my healthy baking company and graduated from nutrition school. Healthy living is a large part of who I am now, and I love creating new Morselicious recipes.
What are three things you do to stay healthy?
- I drink lots of water.
- I eat little to NO sugar…period.
- I make sure to get my “glow” on (aka sweat).
What is one motivational quote that you live by?
“Impossible: the word itself says, I’m Possible!”
If you were stranded on a desert island, what Vitacost product could you not live without?
I would absolutely need extra-virgin coconut oil and unsweetened cocoa!
What advice do you have for someone who is trying to live healthier?
Health is about progress, NOT perfection. Even Mary Poppins was “practically perfect.”
Is there a role model you look up to?
Audrey Hepburn is my all-time role model, because she’s beautiful inside and out and always walked her own walk.