Winter Skincare Routine: How to Get Soft Skin Despite the Cold

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As soon as November rolls around, it seems like Old Man Winter sucks the moisture out of your skin like some sort of vampire. If you’re not diligent, by the new year, your lips are cracked, your hands and face are chapped and your body is itchy and scaly.

But take heart — there is a solution. With just a bit of dedication and the addition of some all-natural skincare products, you can have soft, healthy skin through even the most brutal winter.

The solution for winter skin is preventing moisture loss by locking moisture in.

Young Woman Looking Up and Smiling in the Snow |

Winter washing tips

A hot bath and a good scrub can make you feel like an entirely new person. However, hot water and harsh cleansers are hard on your skin and can hinder your attempts at keeping your skin soft this season.  

Winter washing tips to encourage healthy, glowing skin:

  • Use lukewarm water when washing your face or hands to avoid washing off important oils.
  • A squeaky-clean face may feel good — right up until you walk outside and your skin suddenly feels two sizes too small — so go for gentler soaps in the winter.
  • Exfoliation may seem too aggressive for winter, but the truth is you actually increase the effectiveness of moisturizers, such as Oil Me North Super Budder, by removing those dead cells. Just don’t go for anything too aggressive.
  • Apply your favorite moisturizing product immediately after washing (even while your skin is still damp) to seal in the moisture.

Moisturizing for winter

Regular moisturizers are fine for regular weather, but winter calls for something a little more powerful. Choosing a plant-based product will improve your skin and body’s health in the cold temperatures.

Moisturizers come in three types (and some moisturizers include ingredients of each type):

  1. Humectants, such as tea tree oil and various other essential oils. They attract and hold onto water, locking moisture in.
  2. Emollients, such as hemp seed oil. These help bind cells together and soften skin.
  3. Occlusives, such as coconut oil. They inhibit water evaporation from the skin’s surface.  

All three are important, but the occlusives are particularly well suited to adding that extra layer of protection to your skin against winter’s drying effects.

Protect your skin from cold weather

Be proactive about your skincare through the winter as you don’t want to be playing catch up when that cold wind blows, stripping the moisture from your body.

Tricks to prevent moisture loss:

  • Mittens and scarves are more than just fashion accessories. By keeping that cold air away from your face and hands, you can prevent the winter air from damaging your skin.
  • The sun is still there in the winter, and with all the bright-white snow it’s rebounding off of, you’re getting twice the exposure. Use Sun Budder to stay protected.
  • Lock in moisture before the cold winter air snatches it away.

Drink for healthy skin

No, this is not encouragement to indulge in countless hot toddies, Baileys-laced coffee or even hot chocolate (although, we may as well go grab ourselves a mug since we can’t stop talking about it).

You must remember to drink water to keep yourself — and your skin — properly hydrated.

In winter, we turn to hot drinks to warm us from the inside out while cold water falls by the wayside. But your skin needs to be moisturized from the inside too, so don’t forget to drink that water.

If you’re stuck on hot drinks, do like your grandma and try a bit of lemon and honey in some hot water. Add a bit of ginger in there and you’ve got a healthy, warm drink that will help keep you from drying out.

Keeping your skin healthy in winter

Winter requires extra preparation – whether we’re talking about the time it takes to get the kids out the door or about your skincare routine. But if you schedule in that extra time and stick to a proper skincare plan, your winter preparations will pay off with healthier, glowing skin. By preventing moisture loss and keeping your skin hydrated, the cold weather will be much easier to endure, helping you to enjoy the chilly season.