How to Prevent Yeast Infections & Help Restore Balance

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There’s no appealing way to launch this discussion, so let’s get right to it. If you have female parts in your nether regions, you’ve probably had vulvovaginal candidiasis — aka a yeast infection — at some point.

But you can avoid getting one in the future once you understand the factors likely to cause yeast infections.

“Simply put, yeast infections develop when the normal balance of healthy bacteria and naturally occurring yeast in the vagina and surrounding areas are disrupted,” said Michelle Cameron, a naturopathic doctor and holistic health consultant for women, based in Florida. “The vaginal environment is tightly maintained at an acid pH, 4 – 4.5, by production of lactic acid via good bacteria, lactobacilli, which are important in the inhibition of pathogen growth.”

Learn how to prevent yeast infections and keep your body’s microbiome in balance.

A Woman Relaxes on Her Couch With a Smile, Representing How to Prevent Yeast Infections.

How to Prevent Yeast Infections

Include probiotic-rich foods in your diet

Menstruation, use of birth control and the normal hormonal fluctuations from pregnancy can contribute to changes in the vaginal pH, leading to yeast infections. So can menopause. “During menopause, the acidic environment and normal population of lactobacilli are not sustained, due to declining estrogen levels,” Cameron says. “This can predispose postmenopausal women to the development of vaginal yeast infections.”

To help, consider eating foods that offer beneficial live bacteria like lactobacilli. This includes yogurt, kefir and other fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and sourdough.

Use antibiotics only when truly needed

“Antibiotics do not discriminate against the good and bad bacteria in our bodies,” said Cameron. “When the healthy vaginal lactobacilli are reduced with antibiotic use, women are more susceptible to developing a yeast infection.”

And if you have to take antibiotics, “ask your provider to prescribe you a single-dose antifungal prescription to take following your antibiotics, as a preventative,” said Cameron.

Choose natural vaginal lubricants and feminine hygiene products

Condoms and diaphragms containing spermicides such as nonoxynol-9 may cause irritation that reduces the natural immunity of your vaginal mucosa, predisposing it to infection. Also, spermicides and vaginal lubricants can disrupt your vaginal pH, as can scented feminine hygiene products, vaginal douches and bubble baths.

“Look for spermicide-free condoms, or consider a cervical cap in place of a diaphragm,” said Cameron. “Clean natural lubricants that do not alter the vaginal pH, such as those made from Good Clean Love, are always my preference.”

Frequently change your (preferably organic) tampons

Tampons haven’t been definitively shown to cause yeast infections, but they retain moisture, obviously.

“If not changed at the recommended frequency, they can create an environment for yeast to thrive, especially during a workout or in warmer climates,” Cameron said, stressing to never wait more than eight hours to change a tampon.

It also helps to use organic tampons, said Cameron, which “reduces irritant exposure, as they are developed without fragrance, dyes, bleach or toxins. I personally use and love the LOLA line of organic tampons for this reason.”

Wear loose breathable clothes made of natural fibers

Always choose cotton underwear, Cameron said. And for sleeping, “if a woman is comfortable with it, I advise no underwear at all and to simply wear loose-fitting cotton shorts or pants.”

Synthetic fibers, such as nylon and polyester, and tight-fitting clothing like leggings create “the perfect environment for yeast to thrive due to heat and moisture,” said Cameron. That’s also why you should change into dry underwear (and dry bottoms) immediately after working out.

“Our lady parts need proper air circulation and loose breathable fabrics,” said Cameron.

Consider your nutrient intake

Iron deficiency has been implicated as the most common essential micronutrient deficiency in the colonization of yeast. Other nutrients deficits include essential fatty acids, folic acids, vitamins A and B6, magnesium, selenium and zinc.

A diet rife with refined sugar, simple carbohydrates and dairy that’s high in lactose can alter your vaginal pH level and encourage yeast growth. Alcohol can too.

Manage stress, and in a healthy way

A 2020 study found that women experiencing higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression were more likely to develop recurrent yeast infections. High stress levels cause the release of cortisol, which can in turn raise blood sugar levels, contributing to yeast infections. Stress also weakens the immune system and can make women more prone to infection.

“Obviously, we can’t control the normal physiological hormone fluctuations in our body that can predispose us to yeast infections,” said Cameron. “But, we can take measures to reduce stress.”

Cameron suggests yoga, meditation or taking a 15-minute break to walk outside.

How to Take Care of Yourself if You Have a Yeast Infection

First, though, seek evaluation from your healthcare provider.

“Confirmation of a yeast infection is important in ruling out other gynecological issues that may mimic a yeast infection, and to target appropriate therapy,” said Cameron. “No intervention is 100% tried and true, and that’s why I believe that a holistic approach that provides the best of both conventional and natural options is often the most beneficial.”

Use a boric acid suppository

“Boric acid capsules are a good choice for vaginal yeast infections in that they are inexpensive, well-tolerated and generally effective,” said Cameron. “They can also be useful against the less common types of candida species that cause yeast infections. Boric acid capsules are never for oral use and should only be inserted vaginally. Dosing is important. Purchase a medical grade boric acid capsule … and follow the instructions on the label. Nutricost Women Boric Acid Vaginal Suppository is an option.”

Find some relief with coconut oil

Coconut oil is antifungal, anti-inflammatory and soothing. Cameron notes that it can be used externally to relieve discomfort and irritation caused by a yeast infection.

Tidy your diet

Minimize refined sugars, excess carbohydrates and dairy as much as possible and avoid alcohol. Center your diet on vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats.

Change your feminine hygiene products routinely

“If you have a yeast infection while menstruating, be diligent about changing your tampons or pads, to avoid excess moisture,” Cameron says. “This also applies to your menstrual cup!”

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