Head-on wind, flying dirt, kamikaze bugs and pesky pollen can all cause dry, itchy, irritated eyes. As someone who recently had Lasik eye surgery, I want to be extra protective of my peepers — especially when I’m training. Athletes tend to focus on doing everything to protect and nourish their muscles that we often forget that our eyes are precious, too.

Save your baby blues with these four eye care essentials:
1. Goggles — Not only do they help you see where you’re going and protect your eyes from chlorine and salt water, but goggles can also shut out the sun when swimming outside. There are many sizes and brands to choose from, so be sure to find a pair that fits snug and has tinted or “mirrored” lenses to block UV rays.
2. Sunglasses — It’s not just about looking cool — even though you do! Sunglasses help protect your eyes from the sun, wind and wild bugs. During a training ride, you’ll find out just how much dirt and pollen is in the air if you’re not wearing protective eyewear. Don’t learn the hard way; invest in some decent shades to spare yourself the wear and tear.
3. Eye drops — Use a liquid lubrication to cool your eyes and help relieve any irritation caused by sweat and allergens in the air. Similasan Dry Eye Relief is especially suited for contact lens wearers. For my fellow Lasik lovers out there, I recommend Refresh Optive Sensitive Lubricant Eye Drops, which are free of preservatives and very moisturizing.
4. Firming cream — Applying a cream around the delicate eye area can help protect you from sun damage and even minimize the appearance of “crows feet.” I prefer Reviva Labs Eye Complex Firming Cream to firm under my eyes, because it’s gentle and suitable for all skin types.