It may be August already, but there are still plenty of summer days left to seize! What more can you accomplish before the routines of school and fall return? How many “summer items” have you checked off your bucket list? This is the perfect time to challenge yourself with one final summer adventure! Whether you’ve dreamed of hiking up that mountain, grabbing the tent for a quick camping trip, running a 5k or obstacle course race, or maybe just getting on the bike more often to soak up these precious summer days… you can make it happen. Go for it!
Supplement Your Adventures with New Chapter®
New Chapter can help! Our supplements can support your healthy lifestyle this summer and any time of year. Zyflamend™ Whole Body and Bone Strength Take Care™ are two of our favorites… they’re kind of like two best friends that we like to call Flex & Move. If you’re a New Chapter fan you may already be taking one of these products but we invite you to learn more about them both!
FLEX with Bone Strength Take Care. New Chapter’s whole-food approach to calcium delivers this vital mineral sourced from plants, not limestone rocks like some other products. Bone Strength Take Care’s plant source of calcium and other trace minerals has been shown to help support movement and aid joint flexibility and function.* Vitamin D3 is added because it works with calcium to help support healthy muscle function as we get older, which is key for continued joint flexibility.* It all adds up to a calcium product that supports your ability to get up and go*!
MOVE with Zyflamend Whole Body. Zyflamend Whole Body is New Chapter’s intelligent herbal blend that has been clinically studied to help keep you moving.* Zyflamend delivers full-spectrum herbal extracts containing multiple naturally occurring compounds. These whole, active phytonutrients—from traditional herbs including rosemary, turmeric, ginger and holy basil—work together to support health.*
So no matter what your remaining summer adventures are, New Chapter hopes they’re amazing. We wish you the best as you flex and move each day!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.