December 21st, 2024
The holidays are a magical time filled with joy, connection and cherished traditions, but they can also bring overwhelming stress and fatigue. Try these simple yet effective strategies to manage stress, boost energy and make the most of this festive time—without losing your sparkle.
March 6th, 2023
School burnout influences students’ engagement with schoolwork, well-being and adjustment. If there is evidence of burnout, no need to despair. Here are several ways to help your child recharge.
August 6th, 2022
Over 65 million Americans are caregivers to a family member or loved one—and a huge percentage of them face caregiver burnout, a syndrome characterized by prolonged stress, anxiety, irritability, depression and poor health. Here’s why it happens—and the steps you can take to prevent it.
July 29th, 2020
When you’re involved in activism, self care often takes the back seat. But activism’s emotional demands can quickly cause burnout, making “taking care of you” critical. Soothe yourself with these tips, and stay strong while fighting for your cause!
November 8th, 2019
Feeling exhausted, ineffective, unaccomplished or…bored? You may be facing a bout of burnout. Try making some of these small changes to get your emotional, mental and physical well-being back on track.
October 28th, 2019
With the explosion of technology, and the constant state of being wired in and consistently on, we have all become overextended. The negative effects of burnout spill over into every area of life. Here’s how to know if you’re affected.