October 13th, 2020
Shimmering snow, twinkling lights, iridescent icicles””there’s no denying this season is all about sparkle. So why not deck yourself out for some of those upcoming holiday parties? After all, what other time of year can you not only get awayRead More…
January 13th, 2017
When was the last time you cleaned out your pantry? I don’t mean just tossing a few expired items or rearranging food to make room for new purchases. I mean really examining what’s in there, getting rid of the unhealthyRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
I’m firmly of the opinion that dessert shouldn’t be the only thing that’s delightful on Valentine’s Day. You should be, too. With just a few essential beauty care products, you can make sure you’re date-night ready without adding stress to yourRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
Go ahead, hit that snooze button! With these quick beauty tips from Abigail Blank, The Bombshell Mommy, you can squeeze in those precious extra few minutes of sleep without having to resort to a mom pony tail and yoga pants.Read More…
December 3rd, 2016
Whether your family takes a day-trip to the beautiful Virginia shore or the back door of your home opens up to the glittering sands of Southern California, you’ll feel confident and comfortable if you are Bombshell-beach ready. Here are myRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
Twice a year, we get motivated to start fresh. January inspires promises to get diets in order, lose weight, get in shape and make other self improvements. But by summer, many of us have lost track of those goals andRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
When you think makeover, a day (or more!) of fussing and primping and pampering probably come to mind. Unless your budget is big and your schedule is open, this type of beauty re-do isn’t very realistic. The truth is, withRead More…