September 9th, 2019
Everyone knows you’re supposed to brush your teeth twice a day. But good oral health involves much more than that. Be sure to give your chompers the care they deserve with these helpful dental tips.
May 2nd, 2019
Recent research suggests that over-the-counter teeth whitening products may not be as safe as we thought. But here’s some news to smile about. You can whiten your pearly whites using these natural methods instead.
April 29th, 2019
Did you know: 90 to 95 percent of dental problems are preventable? If you think you’re too busy or tired to care for your teeth and gums, do these two things – at a minimum – to keep your mouth free of disease.
February 18th, 2019
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, a good time to consider the oral-health risks children face. Help protect your kids’ chompers – and set them up for future oral health success – with these tips.
December 4th, 2016
There’s no shortage of expensive strips, gels and pens available to help you remove years’ worth of stains from your teeth. But could this latest natural whitening trend work better, and save you a ton of money?
December 4th, 2016
One out of two Americans aged 30 or up has gum disease, according to the CDC. That’s 64.7 million adults! Gum disease, if left unchecked, can lead to a number of problems. Follow these tips to better care for these important tissues.