DIY Shoe Deodorizing Powder
Stinky shoes might be common, but they don’t have to be a fact of life. Eliminate odors with this simple yet effective powder. By removing fungus and bacteria, it leaves your shoes smelling brand new.
Stinky shoes might be common, but they don’t have to be a fact of life. Eliminate odors with this simple yet effective powder. By removing fungus and bacteria, it leaves your shoes smelling brand new.
Did you work out today? Hopefully, you know how to clean shoes you sweat in, or you’ll end up with stinky sneaks. Try these tips and DIY shoe deodorizers to keep them fresh – and your feet healthy!
I was taking our two-year-old twins for a walk yesterday in Paris, strolling down a street near Notre Dame, and someone behind me was walking in some super high heels. I guessed this upon hearing the intense sound of clip-cloppingRead More…
New shoes? Sign me up. The blisters that come when you break them in? No thanks! These pesky little (or sometimes big) bumps that bubble up on your heels, ankles and sides of your feet are caused by outer layersRead More…
Just when everything seems to be going smoothly—bam! A blister shows up. Whether you’re breaking in a new pair of sneakers, running your first (or 15th) marathon or just going about your normal routine, these painful, annoying bumps happen. Even theRead More…