Pose Your Way to Power
A perceived lack of power dilutes self-confidence. We feel blocked, we become less present, we grow increasingly self-absorbed, and shut down. Here are a few of tips from author Amy Cuddy to manifesting a bolder, bigger you.
A perceived lack of power dilutes self-confidence. We feel blocked, we become less present, we grow increasingly self-absorbed, and shut down. Here are a few of tips from author Amy Cuddy to manifesting a bolder, bigger you.
Are you a perfectionist? It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but it’s not exactly a redeeming quality, either. As our Health Raiser of the Week, Rebecca, points out, perfection is not attainable. You can try, try and try again, butRead More…
The first book I ever wrote got published. What luck, right? Wrong. It wasn’t fate, it wasn’t good karma, and it wasn’t luck. Luck had very little, if anything, to do with my success. You know what did? Research, commitmentRead More…
I’m bored. I’m busy. My friends aren’t doing it – so why should I? There are many different reasons why people don’t start (or stick to) an exercise routine. But there are also many different ways to make sure thatRead More…
Quote of the Day: “For true success ask yourself these four questions: “˜Why?’ “˜Why not?” “˜Why not me?’ and “˜Why not now?’” ““ Jimmy Dean I really agree with today’s quote. What are you notRead More…
You have made it so far in your journey toward a better body! Don’t stop now! This week, I challenge you to make a commitment. Remember, you are not making temporary changes; this is your new lifestyle and it involvesRead More…