What is Black Seed Oil?

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by | Updated: March 9th, 2021 | Read time: 2 minutes

Black seed: the ancient wonder from the Middle East is becoming the new must-have herbal for fall. While some herbs deserve the hype, (looking at you, turmeric!), does black seed have the staying power to become part of everyone’s daily regimen?Wooden Scoop & Bowl Filled with Seeds and Bottle of Amber Oil to Represent What is Black Seed Oil | Vitacost.com/blog

What is black seed oil?

Black seed isn’t new. Known by its other name, Nigella sativa, black seed dates back to ancient Egyptian history. It was found buried with King Tutankhamen and gained popularity as a go-to for ancient beauties, Queen Nefertiti and Cleopatra. Black seed has a long and rich traditional usage in the Middle East. While science has shown that black seed has many varied uses, it is only now gaining popularity in the West.

What are some black seed oil benefits?

Black seed’s most studied constituent is thymoquinone. Many people believe that thymoquinone is the noteworthy part of black seed the same way curcumin is to turmeric. Thymoquinone has many studies, but there are other stars worth discovering within the structure of the whole plant.

Normally, black seed is found in an extracted and pressed oil. This eliminates all the water soluble parts of the plant. But are there benefits to these parts that make the other parts function better? You bet! Nature got it right. By keeping the plant within natural ratios, you can see significant synergistic benefits to how black seed works when all parts of the plant are fully intact and kept together.

A black seed supplement that has both a water (aqueous extract) and a supercritical extract truly gives the full spectrum of the herb and allows it to shine the way nature intended.

What else is important about black seed oil?

The benefits don’t end there. An exciting study paired black seed with turmeric – the most revered herb of the century – and showed some dynamic teamwork happening between the two. Combined, they tackle one of the most important areas of wellness in America today: metabolic health.

The study that married whole turmeric rhizome with whole black seed showed that the clinical-strength blend supports four critical metabolic health goals, including helping to maintain cholesterol levels already in the normal range, as well as supporting normal blood sugar levels, body weight and blood pressure.*

Whether combined or on its own, black seeds have earned their credibility. These little gems are a premier herbal supplement to support your health for a lifetime. Find them in whole seed form, pressed into oil or made into an easy-to-swallow capsule.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.