A Guide to Protecting Yourself From Wildfire Smoke Health Effects

Susannah Shmurak

by | Updated: August 19th, 2023 | Read time: 7 minutes

While those living in fire-prone areas have dealt with longer and more intense wildfire seasons for years, in other parts of the country people may be feeling the effects of persistently unhealthy air quality for the first time. Though fires may be raging hundreds of miles away, this summer has shown us that no one can consider themselves insulated from the unhealthy air caused by smoke from wildfires.

Worried Woman Looking Out Window Thinking About Wildfire Smoke Health Effects

For many of us, this summer was the first time we thought to check our local air quality readings regularly before planning our daily activities, or even doing mundane things like opening our windows to let in cool nighttime air. If you haven’t already, it’s time to get a better understanding of the connections between air quality and human health and how to make informed choices about when to enjoy the outdoors.

What is Air Quality Index?

When you see an air quality alert, it’s typically pulling information from the Air Quality Index, a measurement tool created by the EPA that uses data from numerous local monitors measuring pollutants including ground-level ozone, particle pollution, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

The numbers correspond to colors meant to indicate the overall healthfulness of the air in your area, ranging from green (good) to maroon (hazardous).

You’ve likely been seeing more alerts for what’s termed PM2.5, which refers to particulate matter that’s 2.5 microns or smaller. Those particulates may come from wildfires, but they’re also produced by many other sources, such as vehicle emissions and industrial activity. The Air Quality Index number reflects the total amount of all these particulates in the air but does not distinguish them from one another.

Ozone is another common pollutant likely to drive up the AQI in warm weather, when heat reacts with pollutants in the air to create molecules made of three oxygen atoms. When inhaled, ozone molecules provoke inflammation in the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as burning in the throat and coughing or, in sensitive groups, similar problems as those caused by particle pollution.

You can see current air quality for your location by typing in your zip code at Airnow.gov. The free AirNow mobile app makes it easier to check on air quality when you’re out and about.

Wildfire smoke, air pollution and health

Wildfire smoke produces tiny particles that can enter our bodies, where research suggests they cause inflammation that may lead to a variety of short and long-term health effects. According to the EPA, “Fine particles (PM2.5) pose the greatest health risk. These fine particles can get deep into lungs and some may even get into the bloodstream.” Sara Adar, an air quality expert at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, explains that when we breathe polluted air, “Our lungs respond to those particles and other pollutants and trigger a chronic inflammation state,” which can lead to related health outcomes like heart attacks and strokes.

Further, says Adar, though news coverage tends to focus on smoke from forest fires, what gets in the air when a forest burns is not simply burnt wood. She points out that adjacent to those forests, “There will be thousands of homes, cars, gas stations, all kinds things are being set on fire and all that smoke is going into the air.” The resulting smoke, she notes, “can have a whole bunch of different toxic components,” including the industrial chemicals used in buildings and furniture, or petrochemicals released when gas stations get consumed by wildfires. “Some particles are likely to be more toxic than others,” she says, “but breathing in particles of any type seems to be damaging to the body.”

For otherwise healthy adults, breathing in pollutants in the short term may cause symptoms like discomfort in the nose and throat or stinging in the eyes. Those with conditions like asthma or emphysema, on the other hand, may experience a significant impact on lung function and require medical care. Cardiac patients may also be endangered by short-term exposures.

While some health effects of poor air quality may be felt immediately, researchers are just beginning to explore the longer term effects of repeat exposures to wildfire smoke. Previous studies have shown that long term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of developing heart and lung disease and shortened life expectancy. Emerging research suggests that exposure to wildfire smoke may increase one’s risk of developing dementia, and that even shorter-term exposures can negatively affect cognitive function.

Other at-risk groups

You’ll see that children and older adults are also cautioned to avoid outdoor activity when AQI levels are elevated. Small children breathe in much more air relative to their body size than adults, Adar explains, and their lungs are still developing. In addition to those with chronic health conditions and young children, Adar also recommends caution for pregnant moms, as pollutants in a mother’s bloodstream can affect a developing fetus. Some studies have found associations between prenatal exposure to air pollution and behavior and cognitive problems in children.

How to use the AQI

All these factors can lead to complexity in decision-making when you’re faced with choosing whether or not to pursue outdoor activities or open your windows. While the descriptions of the yellow and orange categories suggest that sensitive groups may feel the effects of the pollution, we don’t yet fully understand what the effects are on those otherwise considered healthy. Though these effects may not be felt right away, cumulative exposure may increase risk of diseases like cancer and dementia.

Adar cautions that decisions about exposure to outdoor air pollution need to take into account one’s personal health and whether one belongs to a sensitive group. That said, she notes, “We find associations between air pollution and poor health outcomes even well below regulatory standards.”

“We’ve found no safe level, so every little bit of air pollution makes you worse off, it’s just a question of how much you’re willing to tolerate.”

When the AQI is elevated, experts recommend that you limit time outdoors, choose less strenuous outdoor activities, and shorten the duration of time spent outside when possible. Greater exertion causes you to breathe faster and more deeply, which means taking more particles into your lungs. Choosing to walk rather than run, for example, can mean inhaling less particulate matter. If the primary pollutant of concern is ozone, going out early in the day can help, as levels are often lower in the morning.

If you’re in one of the groups especially sensitive to pollutants, experts suggest limiting your exposure at lower alert levels. Those with underlying respiratory or heart conditions are more susceptible to the immediate effects of air pollution, as are developing fetuses, children, teenagers and the elderly.

What number you’re comfortable with, Adar advises, has to do with your own specific health conditions and risk tolerance. Those in sensitive groups should be more cautious about spending time outdoors when air quality levels are elevated. Consider wearing n-95 masks outdoors when pollution levels are higher to filter out particulates.

Though sometimes we can see haze or smell smoke, other times we can’t detect air pollution with our nose or eyes, so using the AQI regularly is wise before you go out to exercise or plan a day of hiking and camping. Also check it if you like to open your windows at night to let in cool air. Though opening up the house in the evening can feel like letting in “fresh” air, if the AQI is elevated, it may not be the best idea.

While keeping an eye on the outdoor air quality, you’ll also want to give some thought to improving indoor air. Homes can’t exclude all outside air, so running a HEPA air filter when outside levels are higher can help reduce your exposure to air pollution. If you don’t have an air filter, you can make an effective one using furnace filters and a box fan.

Running your furnace fan to continuously filter out particles even when you’re not using the air conditioning can remove pollutants from your home, says Adar. Be sure your furnace filter has a minimum efficiency rating (MERV) of 8 or higher; some experts recommend using a MERV 13 filter.

Lastly, avoid adding more particulates to your indoor air by not using wood-burning stoves, fireplaces, or candles. And be mindful how the products you bring into your home may affect indoor quality as well.

Keeping an eye on unhealthy air quality levels and taking steps to minimize your exposure to pollutants can help lessen your toxic load during wildfire season and throughout the year.

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