Are Eye Drops Safe? What to Know After Recent FDA Warnings and Recalls

by | Updated: December 20th, 2023 | Read time: 5 minutes

This year has been a scary time for anyone who uses over-the-counter eye drops.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has flagged dozens of eye-drop products as being potentially dangerous due to bacterial or fungal contamination.

Man Questioning Are Eye Drops Safe as He Adds Drops to His Eyes in Living Room

The tainted eye drops have the potential to cause partial vision loss or even blindness, the FDA says.

“These are all primarily over-the-counter lubricating eye drops — commonly referred to as artificial tears — and are used for the symptomatic relief of dry eye symptoms,” says Dr. Christopher Starr, an ophthalmologist and spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Many of these products have been available at some of the nation’s largest retailers.

Although eye drops are intended to protect your health, they can have the opposite effect if they are not sterile.

The FDA notes that contaminated products pose an increased danger because applying drugs to your eyes bypasses important natural defenses in the body.

The FDA has a full list of the potentially contaminated items at its website. The agency notes that most of these products have been removed from store shelves.

However, that might be of little comfort to those who use eye drops and now worry that their health might be at risk.

Why have there been so many recalls of eye drops?

The series of eye-drop recalls began in February, when the FDA warned consumers not to use EzriCare Artificial Tears or Delsam Pharma’s Artificial Tears because of fears of bacterial contamination.

Since that time, the FDA has announced many subsequent warnings about eye drops, and dozens of products have been implicated.

The latest recall came after FDA investigators found evidence of unsanitary conditions at a Kilitch Healthcare India facility where the products are made. The FDA also conducted bacterial testing that turned out to be positive.

In the wake of the FDA findings, Kilitch recalled products sold under store brands at CVS, Target, Rite Aid and Walmart.

Why have there been so many recalls of eye drops in 2023? One theory is that the COVID-19 pandemic tapped the brakes on in-person faculty inspections. That meant less oversight at facilities that manufacture the drops.

Reports of eye problems associated with contaminated drops have pushed inspectors to ramp up their efforts to make sure eye drops on the market are safe. The increase in regulatory efforts may in turn have resulted in more recalls.

How dry eyes impact your health

Despite the steady stream of bad news, eye drops remain an important tool for maintaining eye health, says Dr. Anna Park, an ophthalmologist at Silver Spring Eye in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Park – who is also founder of Noon Shop, an eyewear manufacturer focused on designs to fit diverse face shapes – says about 20 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with dry eyes.

Early signs of dry eyes include blurred vision that often gets better as a person blinks. Dry eyes can also cause uncontrolled or sudden tearing as the body tries to compensate for the dryness.

Over time, dryness can get worse, leading to aching and discomfort, feelings of pressure and tightness, and itching.

In more advanced stages, patients might feel like they have a foreign body in their eye or report feelings of sand or “grit” in the eyes. This is due to the epithelium becoming so dry that the surface of the eye is no longer smooth.

“With every blink, the eyelid moves over the dry patch, leading to significant discomfort and pain,” Park says.

Are eye drops safe or should you avoid them?

Lubricating eye drops are commonly used to treat symptoms associated with dry eyes.

“Lubricating eye drops or artificial tears are an important part of maintaining eye health and vision,” Park says. “Artificial tears will benefit anyone with symptoms.”

However, Park says soon after the initial eye-drop recalls were announced, she began to notice some troubling trends among her patients.

“After the first recall of drops, I saw many patients come into the office with symptoms resulting from discontinuing their artificial tears,” she says.

To help reduce patient fears – and to keep them from giving up on eye drops – Park urges folks to use brand-name eye drops, including Refresh, Systane, TheraTears, Blink, Genteal, Soothe or Optase, among others.

While recalls of tainted products can seem scary, Starr — who is also associate professor of ophthalmology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York — says recalls are “important in order to maintain the highest level of manufacturing safety for medical products.”

Starr notes that if you have any of the eye drops on the FDA list, you should discard them immediately.

However, he does not believe that people should panic and stop using eye drops altogether in the wake of the recall.

“Any lubricating drop that has not been recalled and is still available on pharmacy shelves should be perfectly safe to use and would be reasonable replacements for the recalled drops,” Starr says.

Staying safe when using eye drops

If you use eye drops and experience symptoms, it is important to seek medical care.

“If anyone using these drops has eye discharge, redness or pain, they should see an ophthalmologist immediately,” Starr says, noting that such symptoms can be signs of an infection.

However, most people who use eye drops can stay safe simply by using a little extra caution. Starr says consumers need to be aware of their eye drops’ expiration date and to dispose of drops that are no longer good.

He adds that even well-manufactured eye drops that have not been subject to recalls are at higher risk of contamination after they expire.

Park advises patients to use artificial tears no more than four times daily. In situations where patients require more frequent use of tears, Park recommends using preservative-free eye drops.

Those who remain leery of using eye drops might want to try other methods of lubricating their eyes.

For example, behavioral changes – such as making an intentional effort to blink when reading and using the computer — can help prevent dryness, Park says.

Other lifestyle changes that might prevent dryness include:

  • Maintaining proper hydration
  • Using a humidifier in the winter
  • Avoiding having fans and heaters directed at your face
  • Getting adequate sleep

“Omega-3 fatty-acid supplements found in fish oil and flaxseed can help maintain healthy tears,” Park says.

These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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