3 Reasons Why You Should Start Taking Gummy Vitamins

Elizabeth Marglin

by | Read time: 3 minutes

Mornings can be brutal in their own right but having to force down several pills first thing can cause the most diligent supplement swallower to mutiny. Enter pill fatigue (the drudgery associated with copious capsules), something that many of has experienced when faced with a handful of supplements. What if the answer was a yummy-tasting chewable supplement—also known as  gummy vitamins for adults? The sugar in the gummy quickly transforms avoidance into pleasure. It explains in one concise word—sweet—the rise of gummy bear wellness industrial complex.

Colorful Assortment of Gummy Vitamins for Adults in Glass Jar on White Table | Vitacost.com/blog

If when you think of gummy vitamins you think of kids, think again. These are not your kid’s vitamins: Grownup gummies are one of the fastest-growing segments in the supplement market. According to FONA international, a flavor manufacturer, sales of gummy products rose 73 percent from 2013-2017. Pharmavite, the manufacturers behind Nature Made, reported in 2014 that 65 percent of their gummy sales were for adult products and only 35 percent were for children.

Are fun and vitamins are mutually exclusive?  Not anymore. Here are three reasons to go for the gummies:

1. Easy to swallow nutrition

For the pill-averse, gummy vitamins are easy to chew and consume. For the segment of society that has a hard time swallowing pills (the pills get stuck and cause gagging), gummies offer a much-needed alternate delivery system. According to Harris Interactive, a whopping 40 percent of American adults have difficulty swallowing pills.  Another study of over a thousand participants published in The European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology had similar results: 30 percent had difficulty swallowing pills—and because of struggle almost 10 percent self-reported as non-compliant and had stopped taking their medications.

2. Innovative options and flavors

The gummy delivery system continues to expand and diversify, with an ever-widening galaxy of gummy options. Think beyond the ubiquitous multivitamin, as gummy options are available as probiotics, omegas, immune support, and a range of specific nutrients.  And the taste profiles have kept up too, with zingy flavors that range from berry, cherry, grape, peach and orange.  Among the choices: Rainbow Light Probiotic Gummies, Nature’s Way Sambucus Elderberry Infused Gummies, Vitafusion B Complex Energy Metabolism Support, Vitacost Vitamin D3 Gummies for Adults, and Nutrition Now CoQ10 Adult Gummy Vitamins

3. Functional treats

Gummies serve as an aspirational treat and an almost guiltless pleasure. You can reward yourself and support immunity at the same time. Beware, however, the risk of overconsumption, which can potentially be toxic. Gummy vitamins tend to have a high sugar content with about three grams of sugar for two gummies. Consuming just two gummies won’t negatively impact your health, but the glucose syrup, sucrose, and gelatin they contain can do a number on your teeth. These ingredients stick to your teeth and can breed plaque. Even gummies that don’t have sugar can still induce a biofilm on the teeth that’s just as damaging. If you opt for gummies, it’s a smart idea to brush and floss right after—same as if you ate candy. So gummy responsibly: your teeth and your body will thank you.