Dieting While Breastfeeding? Take Your Vitamins, Mama!

by | Updated: December 3rd, 2016 | Read time: 2 minutes

If you’re on a diet to lose those pregnancy pounds and you’re also breastfeeding, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is moderate calorie reduction isn’t going to impact your baby’s health””he’ll still get milk power-packed with all of the nutrients he needs to grow and thrive. The bad news?  Going on a less-than-2200-calorie diet while breastfeeding can seriously impact your health.

Vitamins for Breastfeeding Mothers

Mother Nature wants all of those vitamins and minerals to go to your growing baby”¦and if you don’t eat enough or take supplements, you could be missing out on nutrients you need to stay healthy during a time when stress (and sleep deprivation) could be pushing your body to the max. Just be sure to consult your physician before adding nutritional supplements to your diet.

What you might need more of:

A good idea is to keep on taking your prenatal vitamins””a high quality product like New Chapter Organics Perfect Prenatal Multi-Vitamin  offers all of these ingredients and other healthy, safe-for-baby nutrients.

Vegan mommy alert!

If you don’t eat any animal products, you might want to add vitamin B-12 to your regimen so that you’re not at risk for a deficiency of this essential nutrient.


Fat soluble vitamin supplements (vitamins A & D) concentrate in human breast milk, so be very careful about overdoing these. And be sure to discuss the safety of herbs with your pediatrician before taking them.