DIY Lemonade Magnesium Gummies

by | Read time: 2 minutes

You’re probably already familiar with the benefits of magnesium. Supplementing today is easy – you’ll find this mighty mineral in capsule, liquid, drink-mix and even spray-on form. A favorite, though, is gummies. Now, with this recipe, you can have complete control over the ingredients – and have some fun! – by making your own. Unlike store-bought gummies, these are made with plant-based ingredients (rather than gelatin, commonly used in gummy products) and naturally sweetened. Look for a bear-shaped mold online, or use a mini ice cube tray, and follow these easy instructions to get started.

Yellow Lemon-Flavored Homemade Magnesium Gummies in Mini Cube Shape on Wooden Table |

Magnesium Homemade Gummies Recipe


¼ cup magnesium citrate powder*
3 Tbsp. agar agar powder
¾ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice or pure bottled lemon juice (with no added sugars)
5 drops lemon-flavored pure stevia liquid

Other supplies needed:

  • Small mixing bowl
  • Small pot
  • Silicone mold


1. In small bowl, combine magnesium and agar agar powders; mix thoroughly.

2. Transfer powders to pot and add lemon juice and stevia. Heat over medium-high for about one minute, stirring to combine.

3. Reduce heat to low and continue cooking 3-4 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds, until thick paste is form and mixture cooks down.

4. Remove pot from heat and pour mixture into mold.

5. Once cooled, remove gummies from mold. Store in sealed mason jar in fridge for up to 30 days.

6. Take 1-2 gummies per serving.

*This product is sweetened with stevia, a natural plant-based sweetener, which reduces the need for additional sugars to be added. If you use a plain magnesium citrate powder, consider adding a few more stevia drops or a tablespoon of an unrefined sugar of your choice to the recipe.

Natural Vitality Natural Calm Sweet Lemon | FoodsNOW Real Food Agar Powder |

Wisdom Natural SweetLeaf® Sweet Drops™ Sweetener Lemon Drop