December 4th, 2016
It’s always a good time to eat chocolate. So why not start early – like as soon as you wake up? Surely chocolate can be considered a healthy breakfast when it’s paired up with coconut. You might be thinking thatRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
You probably know that whey protein isolate is more pure and potent than whey concentrate. But there’s more than one “whey” to look at your protein powder. Fitness expert Nicole Wilkins shares her favorite whey protein powder and why it’sRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
It’s a bund-t cake! Though this distinctive-shaped dessert has a big hole in the center, it’s not missing a thing. In fact, it’s so rich you’ll have to share ““ making it perfect for birthdays, bar mitzvahs and bachelorettes. TheRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
Want a fresh face first thing in the morning? Start with nourishing your body from the inside. This chocolate-based blended breakfast not only provides protein, but it’s boosted with beautifying nutrients. Gamma-linoleic acid from primrose oil, omega-3s from flaxseed andRead More…
December 2nd, 2016
If you’re dreaming of dessert, it probably tastes at least a little chocolaty, is chewy and warm when you bite into it and is rich but not sickly sweet. Well, my dear, wipe off the drool from your chin, wakeRead More…