Makeup Tutorial: A Fresh Fall Look
Everything sparkles during the holiday – including you! No need to be a makeup pro. This thorough, step-by-step makeup tutorial teaches you how to nail that glowing look all season long.
Everything sparkles during the holiday – including you! No need to be a makeup pro. This thorough, step-by-step makeup tutorial teaches you how to nail that glowing look all season long.
Don’t let summer melt away your makeup. You can get a natural, sun-kissed look with this easy-breezy tutorial. The best part: it’s light weight and holds up well against the heat.
Caught the beauty blahs? Check out the latest makeup trends for spring, and then use those fabulous finds to follow this video tutorial. Consider it your guide to a fresh new look!
By the end of the day, your bed starts to look like a mini paradise waiting for you at the end of the hall. But before you can cozy in, there are still a few things you need to do.Read More…
It’s 6:30 p.m. You just finished a grueling workout after an eight-hour day at the office. Sweat beads are stuck to your forehead, mascara’s streaming down your cheeks, and that foundation you put on this morning? It’s like it wasRead More…
Everything about winter is fierce, from the frigid, whipping wind to the frenzied holiday shoppers shoving their way through crowds in search of the perfect gift. Not surprising that the look of the season follows suit””with bold colors blasting awayRead More…