December 3rd, 2016
Benzaldehyde, diethanolamine, quaternium-15, bleach. Many mainstream detergents are made with a laundry list of chemicals designed to dissolve dirt, lift stains and leave your clothes smelling fresh. But you don’t have to expose yourself to toxic ingredients in order toRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
Cleaning products that describe themselves as “gentle enough for baby” may sound wonderful when you’re pregnant or have a fragile newborn in your arms, but here’s an old-timer mom prediction for you: After suffering through your first projectile vomiting incident,Read More…
December 3rd, 2016
Red wine on your favorite white shirt, smushed chocolate chips on the kitchen rug – oh no! Spills and stains happen, but they don’t have to ruin your favorite clothes or carpet. Follow these simple tips and helpful productRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
Q: How do you keep stains and smells out of your workout clothes? Amy Marsh answers A: If you can’t remember the last time you saw the bottom of your laundry basket, you aren’t alone. As athletes we deal withRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
If you tell a non-parent that you’re on the market for laundry products for your baby, you’ll likely get a blank stare. Why would baby clothing need different treatment than grown-up clothing? Once you’ve dealt with baby laundry, though, youRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
Did you know that the average American uses 40 pounds of toxic household cleaners per year? Or that cleaning products are the 3rd most common cause of poison exposure to both children and adults? I’m not mentioning these things justRead More…
December 3rd, 2016
Got stains? Whether you’ve worn white to your favorite Italian restaurant (again), joined your kids for an impromptu game of tag football in the front yard or thought maybe this time you could manage balancing that coffee cup lidless inRead More…