I have a 14-year-old daughter named Madison, and she’s amazing. I adore her. But I gotta tell ya, this teenage thing is kickin my ass.
I told Madison I was gonna write about this, and what I planned to title my article, and we both laughed out loud. Because as usual, we’re both on the same page. This teenage thing is kickin her ass too.
All of the things that I heard about the teenage years, didn’t understand and didn’t think would apply to me”¦yeah, they goin’ down.
I believe in Deliberate Creation and practice it every day; yet, no matter how much I visualize, speak about and focus on what I want and not what I don’t want (and get on my yoga mat every day at 4:30 a.m.), this teenage thing is still kickin my ass.
Don’t get me wrong, Madison and I have our great moments. Many of them. But wow, those hormones. Mostly hers.
Have the best day ever!
Taylor plus 5
Taylor Wells, M.A., M.Ed., RYT, owns Prana Power Yoga, Inc., Super-mom.com and Prana Super-mom Consulting. She is also a Boston Herald columnist and blogger, United Nations Yoga Peace Ambassador, activist,and happy Super-mom of 5 kids. She is the author of the“Best Life Ever” blog at Vitacost.com.