
Teenage Boy Examining Face in Mirror to Represent Concept of Skin Care for Teens August 12th, 2023

Skin Care for Teens: How Parents Can Help Promote Healthy Skin for Life

As a parent, you want the best for your teenager in all aspects of life. These unique years involve a lot of change, both physically and emotionally, so being proactive and setting up your child for success is critical for their overall well-being. While some things (like screen time!) may be a challenge, others – like skin care – can be accomplished with knowledge, good guidance and the right products.

December 4th, 2016

From Birth

My twin sons’ preschool teacher, Stacy, was telling me the story of her amazing daughter Lucy. She explained that it’s always been “talk to the hand” with Lucy, as in””she’s totally in her power, in a good way. Stacy doesn’tRead More…

December 4th, 2016

The broken toe.

Take one calm Super-mom with years of yoga and spiritual training. Add in her teenage daughter, having an especially teenagerish moment, and what do you get? A bloody rampage more painful than four childbirth experiences combined. (And it STILL HURTS.)