Tropical DIY Body Scrub with Coconut Oil & Sugar

Liana Werner-Gray

by | Updated: April 23rd, 2018 | Read time: 1 minute

You might fantasize about taking a vacation to a tropical island. Who wouldn’t want to lounge around, soaking up the sun, sounds and scents of paradise? While we can’t book your plane ticket or hotel reservation, we can help you bring that wonderful aroma to your home – and help refresh and exfoliate your skin while we’re at it. Simply whip up this tropical, lemon-rose DIY body sugar scrub with coconut oil and imagine you’re on a beach watching the waves roll in every time you use it. Crashing wave sounds not included.

DIY Body Scrub with Rose Petals in Brown Bowl |

Makes enough for 14 uses


1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup olive oil
1 Tbsp. macadamia nut oil
1 Tbsp. walnut oil
1/4 cup Dynamic Health Mango Purée
Juice of one lemon
2 tsp. lemon zest (grate the outside of a lemon rind)
2-1/2 cups coconut sugar
1/2 cup sea salt
3 drops grapefruit essential oil
3 drops rose essential oil
3 rose petals, chopped into tiny pieces


  1. In airtight jar, mix all ingredients together until well combined.
  2. Store in a cool place for up to 3 weeks.
  3. To use, rub on body in a circular motion and rinse.

Liana’s note: Instead of mango puree, try using canned organic pineapple chunks. Or opt for fresh pineapple, mango or papaya – but blend up fruit before mixing so it’s smooth.