From a hectic work schedule to a calendar packed with kids’ activities, there are plenty of (good) reasons you may not have time to get to the gym every day. When you do manage to squeeze in a workout, you may hit other obstacles, like a big crowd keeping you from using your favorite machines, or a phone call that your daughter is sick and needs to be picked up from aftercare. Maximizing exercise time is key if you’re not able to do it as often as you’d like or your sessions are at risk of being cut short. Luckily, there are several moves – multitaskers, I like to call them – that target multiple areas of the body, saving you time while still providing a solid workout.
- Push-ups
The good, old-fashioned push-up is one exercise that never goes out of style—and that’s because it never fails. Push-ups work your chest muscles, arms, shoulders and core, all at the same time. For proper execution, place your hands further apart than your shoulders, tighten your core and keep your eyes on the floor. Inhale as you come down and exhale as you push up.
- Lunges
Lunges are multitaskers extraordinaire! They work multiple leg muscles, including your quads, hamstrings, glutes and inner thighs, while also helping to improve your balance. When performing a lunge, make sure your front knee does not go past your front foot, and keep your back straight, pushing through your heel as you come up.
- Squats
If you want an exercise that targets multiple areas of your lower body, squats are for you. This simple exercise works your quads, glutes and hamstrings. Effectiveness depends a great deal on form, so be sure to never squat past your knees, and avoid leaning forward. Imagine yourself sitting in a chair. Just as you’re about to sit down, push up through your heels (as you would while doing a lunge) and squeeze your glutes.
To add a little more to your squat, use lower-weight dumbbells, holding them at shoulder height with your elbows bent and your feet placed shoulder-width apart. As you rise from the squat, push the weights over your head in an explosive motion. You’ll not only work your lower body but your back muscles, as well!
- Bicycle crunches
Doing this exercise works your obliques and lower abs. Lie on your back, with your feet stretched out in front of you, low to the floor. Now twist, moving opposite elbow to opposite knee, focusing on keeping your core tight.
- Knee-to-elbow planks
Planks with added elbow moves will work not only your core but your back, hamstrings, hips and glutes. It’s easier than you think. Start out in a basic plank position, then bring your right knee to your right elbow; repeat for the other side.
Trainer time-saving tips:
Plan your workouts, and write about them in a journal, to stay on track and focused. Knowing exactly what your workout should be, and what you actually did, will help you to stick with a routine and make progress.
Give yourself more pep by drinking coffee with protein powder. You’ll feel a boost while getting the extra nutrients your body needs.