Can You ‘Hate’ Vegetables and Live Healthfully? This Girl Can.

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If you’re worried about your picky eaters, or perhaps your own aversion to “healthy-tasting” foods – fear not! Megan Orona, a self-proclaimed former veggie hater, is here to tell you there’s hope.

Megan Orona with Sons Hiking Mountain |

“I grew up in a health-conscious family, but I was a really picky eater. I hated vegetables. So it’s been a journey to where I am now,” Megan of @meghatesvegetables says.

At the end of the day, you can find Megan cozying up with book or watching her favorite show with Jude (her college sweetheart hubby!) and two adorable little boys, Sawyer and Jay.

Read on to learn more about Megan’s journey!

1. What sparked your health journey?

When I turned 14, I started getting breakouts and that’s what really triggered my passion for health. I tried everything and I didn’t start finding some relief until I began seeing a naturopath. Fast forward 12 years, I feel like I’m finally eating a balanced diet and living an all-around clean lifestyle. I’ll always be learning! 

2. What goal do you hope to achieve by using social media?

I want being healthy to be fun! I want people to know that eating nourishing foods can taste great and be affordable and you don’t need to follow all the latest “trends” to live a clean lifestyle. And I just want a space where people can relate. 

Since I’m not a certified naturopath, I can’t give out medical advice, but I can help point people in the right direction and encourage them in doing their own research and that’s really rewarding for me.

However, one day, I would love to pursue herbalism, lactation consulting, or becoming a naturopath. 

3. Who inspires you?

Honestly, my family. I want to feel my best and be my best for my kids and for Jude. And I want them to learn to take care of their bodies while they are young! The people we surround ourselves with are the ones who really shape who we are. So choose people you want to be like. 

4. Do you follow any specific diet guidelines?

I don’t! I believe in bio-individuality and I don’t think there is any diet out there that is a “one size fits all.” I’ve definitely experimented with different ways of eating, but I find that I feel my best when I’m listening to my body, rather than following a rule book. 

5. We love that you follow your intuition. In that case, what does a typical day of eating look like for you?

I’ve been starting out the day with some sprouted oatmeal and I pack it full of nutrient-dense foods so that my blood sugar is stable until my next meal. Oatmeal with frozen blueberries and raw cream is just incredible. Lunch is usually leftovers or something simple like Nicks Sticks or some Simple Mills crackers with avocado. Fruit or raw cheese for snacking. Some of our dinner favorites are grain-free pizza, tacos, stuffed bell peppers and pasta

6. Do you incorporate exercise into the mix?

I have kids, so they are usually my exercise. But my favorite ways are walking and biking because they are easy on my body and enjoyable to me. I’m also a big believer in movement outside of exercise.

7. What’s your favorite part about shopping with

My mom got me hooked on Vitacost about 6 or 7 years ago now. I love that I can find almost all the things I buy in stores, but at a discounted price. Not to mention there is no fee and their sales are extra amazing! Also, their customer service is unmatched and that really made me a customer for life. 

8. Guilty pleasure? GO!

Sugar! I have a major sweet tooth and I don’t think I’ll ever “quit sugar” but I try to limit it and find healthier alternatives. If it’s organic it’s OK to eat, right!? (Megan also admits she loves ice cream and HU Chocolate.)

9. What can we find in Meg’s #VitacostHaul?

Simple Mills mixes, Jovial Foods pasta and Organic Valley ghee! We use them all the time and they are such a great deal on Vitacost! Sometimes a Hu bar finds its way into my cart. Weirdest thing. 

10. What advice would you give someone who is just getting started on the path to healthier living?

Baby steps. If you try to switch everything over right away, you’ll feel overwhelmed and you’ll set yourself up for failure. Start with the easiest things to change, like unplugging those chemical-laden air fresheners and going to bed a little earlier. Go for a walk, even if it’s just around the block. Add a new vegetable in. A small step is still a step in the right direction. Health isn’t just about what you eat. It’s about how you live as a whole.

Megan Orona with Sons at Disneyland |