Ladies, can we talk about shapewear? When I’m going out to dinner with my boyfriend for a special occasion, I usually do break out the Spanx so that I can have a lump-and-bump-free silhouette. I usually feel so trim, thanks to my tummy smoother, that I end up eating a roll (or two) and sharing dessert. And promptly end up with heartburn thanks to this overeating…or so I thought!
My favorite TV doc was just on TV discussing causes of heartburn, and he said shapewear often causes this problem. Fortunately, there are some ways to lose a little belly bulge prior to a special event that do not involve Spandex. So, I’m fine saying sayonara to Spanx…and am going to try these options instead:
- Stay away from the 4 S’s…soda, salt, starchy foods and sugar-alternatives. Just to be safe, I’d avoid for three days before that high school reunion or wedding you’re going to!
- Sip dandelion tea, known for its mild diuretic properties*
- Up your magnesium intake—eat lots of salads, beans and whole grains—or take a supplement of this crucial mineral
- Feast on fiber to support healthy digestion. You can take a supplement or enjoy some yummy hummus or high-fiber cereal.
- Go running! This is a great way to get things moving in more ways than one…and your calves will look nice and pumped in those dress shoes you know you’re going to wear!
How do you feel about shapewear? Reply below or tweet me at @AnitasJourney!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.