Whole-Milk Golden Pancakes

Jasmine Schmalhaus - The Upside Blog | Vitacost.com/blog

by | Read time: 1 minute

Don’t sell yourself short, especially when it comes to breakfast. You deserve the whole thing…whole milk, that is. Not only does whole milk lend a rich, almost hearty taste to these golden pancakes, the natural fats will help keep you full for hours. Whether you just finished a late weekend workout (and can’t wait to brunch so hard) or started your day at the crack of dawn, now’s the time to say so long to skim and stack those whole-milk pancakes high.

Oat Flour Pancakes from Scratch with Strawberries on White Plates on Wood Table | Vitacost.com/blog


1/3 cup oat flour
2 Tbsp. coconut flour
2-3 scoops vanilla protein powder
1 Tbsp. coconut sugar
1 cup whole milk
1 egg


  1. In a large bowl, add all ingredients, except the milk.
  2. Slowly pour in milk while you stir batter. You may need more or less milk, but the batter should be thick.
  3. Pour a large spoonful or ladle batter onto preheated griddle. Flip when bottoms begin to turn golden.
  4. Top with fresh berries, maple syrup and nuts.